Street Reconstruction

The project will replace aging roadways, including Peninsula Rd, Kaiser Ave, and Colonial Cir. Road construction will be completed in two separate phases. The reconstruction will improve drainage flow and road safety for all users, including drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

The following are elements included in the design of the new roadway:

Applying Complete Streets to the new roadway

Complete Streets principles will be applied to the new roadway design. The new design will include painted bicycle sharrows to raise awareness of bicyclists on the roadway. The road will also be striped to provide a designated pedestrian space. See the cross-section image below for more details.

“Complete Streets” is a planning and design approach to provide safe facilities for a variety of transportation modes, including drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Places with higher levels of walking and biking are more desirable places to live.

Diagram showing roadway design, including bicycle sharrows and designated pedestrian spaces.

Click on the image to enlarge poster.

Entrance Features

Signs will be placed at the entrance of Medicine Lake to inform drivers, especially visitors and delivery drivers, that they are traveling on a “shared road” and a residential neighborhood. Signage will increase awareness of pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and that there is only one way in and out.

A narrow center median will be installed with a drive over curb, a raised crosswalk, signage, and additional surface treatments using color and texture. A Complete Streets message board will be added in Memorial Park to provide additional information.

Other Pedestrian Safety improvements

In addition to pavement markings, the project will add several raised crosswalks and speed humps at select locations to slow down vehicles. 

Additionally, two driver feedback signs will be installed. Signs will be installed at both ends of Peninsula Rd. 

Signage Updates

Existing signs will be evaluated and replaced as needed throughout the City. Unnecessary and incorrect signs will also be removed as part of this project.

Peninsula Rd

Colonial Cir

Kaiser Ave